You can reach us anytime at
Better Students is currently running three offices in Europe.
Aarhus, Denmark
The Better Students headquarter office is located in Aarhus, Denmark and it represents the management and development center of our company.
The office in Aarhus serves as the work location for a number of editors for our Nordic activities and our management team.
Viborg, Denmark
The office in Viborg represents the location of our accounting department.
Timișoara, Romania
Besides the two offices in Denmark, Better Students also runs an office in Timișoara, Romania, where our Romanian editorial team manages and also helps with the development of the other websites.
Here you can find a team formed by an operations manager, consisting of editors who are responsible for publishing new high quality products.
Legal note
Nordic operations
Better Students ApS
Søren Frichs Vej 42P, 8230 Åbyhøj
Phone: (+45) 88 27 61 63
Company registration number: DK31482933
German operations
Schulhilfe Verlag ApS
c/o Better Students ApS
Søren Frichs Vej 42P, 8230 Åbyhøj
Phone: (+45) 88 27 61 63
Company registration number: DK35682406 and
Prime Study Guides ApS
c/o Better Students ApS
Søren Frichs Vej 42P, 8230 Åbyhøj
Phone: (+45) 88 27 61 63
Company registration number: DK40729232